
Dr. James A. Underberg, M.D.

Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine


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New Hypertension Guidelines: Are You At Goal?

 New, more aggressive guidelines have recently been published, suggesting more aggressive management with medications may reduce cardiovascular risk. See Link below to US Guidelines for Blood Pressure Reduction

Hypertension Guidelines


Cholesterol comes from both dietary sources AND is manufactured by our own bodies. While diet and lifestyle are important determinants of cholesterol levels, often times additional measures are needed to lower cholesterol and reduce risk of heart disease and stroke. Traditional Cholesterol Testing, LDL, HDL etc. often underestimate cardiovascular risk in many patients. Use of "advanced cholesterol testing" helps to further evaluate risk in many patients who need further testing. To learn more about advanced cholesterol testing, go to the Liposcience Web site link below.

Liposcience Web Site


Type 2 Diabetes or Adult Onset Diabetes is often underdiagnosed, and undertreated. Many patients at risk for Diabetes are not screened. Early, or "pre-diabetes" if identified can often be treated, and delay or reverse progression to Diabetes. Patients who are overweight, who have blood pressure, or cholesterol problems, women with poly cystic ovarian syndrome, anyone with a family history of diabetes and all patients over 40 years of age should be screened for diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes

New Drug Available for Smoking Cessation

Chantix, a new drug, acts to both stimulate and block nicotine receptors in the brain. This makes the withdrawal process from nicotine addiction easier to beat. Make an appointment with NP Vanessa Milne for "Smoking Cessation". These visits are covered by most insurance companies, and if indicated we can start you on Chantix or other medical therapies to help you kick the habit.

Chantix Information For Additional Information on smoking cessation go to