Reasons to See a Lipidologist

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Why I should see a Lipidologist and why should I refer to a Lipidologist  


Reasons to refer to or to see a Lipidologist are numerous. We list below the most common

  1. Genetic disorders of cholesterol metabolism such as familial hyperlipidemia, familial combined hyperlipidemia or familial hypertriglyceridemia
  2. Isolated low HDL cholesterol, either primary or acquired
  3. Elevated HDL cholesterol (>90-100) with other cardiovascular risk factors
  4. History of premature atherosclerosis
  5. Family history of premature atherosclerosis
  6. Metabolic syndrome (low HDL cholesterol and high triglycerides)
  7. Diabetes
  8. Need for combination lipid lowering drug therapy
  9. Drug intolerance
  10. Dietary and lifestyle counseling in the setting of abnormal cholesterol or triglycerides
  11. Need for advanced lipid testing, lipoprotein particle evaluation
  12. Young patients or women of child bearing age with elevated cholesterol needing pharmacologic therapy.
  13. Desire to engage in a preventive medicine approach.
  14. Find out whether or not cholesterol-altering medications are really necessary for a particular patient.
  15. Lipid altering pharmacotherapy in setting of liver or kidney disease
  16. Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease targeting ideal lipid and lipoprotein goals
  17. Very low cholesterol levels not drug induced
  18. Menopausal women considering estrogen therapy
  19. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome
  20. Patients with history of muscle disorders/symptoms